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Learning Gardens at Tillamook County schools

We believe all children in our community have the right to a healthy future. We established Learning Gardens in partnership with three schools in Tillamook County (Garibaldi Grade School, Tillamook East Elementary, and Tillamook Junior High School).

2024/2025 updates

In summer 2024, with the help of volunteers that spanned generations, we solved a past problem with the gardens

These living outdoor classrooms were once for student education purposes only, yet the highest-yield growing season is when school is out for the summer. Any seeds students planted would die without watering; the half-harvested crops not yet done maturing would shrivel.


The solution was that the Food Roots Farm to School staff became engaged in Food Roots' Local Food Equity programming during the summer. They hosted casual and educational garden work parties at which families and individuals volunteered their efforts, and the healthy, harvested produce (over 656 pounds total by October) were donated to the school food pantries. ​


Food Roots aims to continually support the food pantries, our neighbors, and other organizations as we improve the Learning Garden experience and bounty in 2025.

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